// source --> http://unizeb.com.br/wp-content/plugins/wp-video-lightbox/js/video-lightbox.js?ver=3.1.6 jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { //WP Video Lightbox Plugin - http://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/?p=2700 $("a[rel^=" + vlpp_vars.prettyPhoto_rel + "]").prettyPhoto({ hook: "rel", animation_speed: vlpp_vars.animation_speed, ajaxcallback: function () {}, slideshow: (vlpp_vars.slideshow == "false") ? false : vlpp_vars.slideshow, autoplay_slideshow: (vlpp_vars.autoplay_slideshow == "true") ? true : false, opacity: vlpp_vars.opacity, show_title: (vlpp_vars.show_title == "true") ? true : false, allow_resize: (vlpp_vars.allow_resize == "true") ? true : false, allow_expand: (vlpp_vars.allow_expand == "true") ? true : false, default_width: vlpp_vars.default_width, default_height: vlpp_vars.default_height, counter_separator_label: vlpp_vars.counter_separator_label, theme: vlpp_vars.theme, horizontal_padding: vlpp_vars.horizontal_padding, hideflash: (vlpp_vars.hideflash == "true") ? true : false, wmode: vlpp_vars.wmode, autoplay: (vlpp_vars.autoplay == "true") ? true : false, modal: (vlpp_vars.modal == "true") ? true : false, deeplinking: (vlpp_vars.deeplinking == "true") ? true : false, overlay_gallery: (vlpp_vars.overlay_gallery == "true") ? true : false, overlay_gallery_max: vlpp_vars.overlay_gallery_max, keyboard_shortcuts: (vlpp_vars.keyboard_shortcuts == "true") ? true : false, changepicturecallback: function () {}, callback: function () {}, ie6_fallback: (vlpp_vars.ie6_fallback == "true") ? true : false, markup: '
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